
Art Tomorrow | No 6 2012 | Iran

Review of “Bimarz” | “Spaceless” Exhibition in Tehran (September 9-18, 2011) “Bimarz” (literally, “without borders”) was a groundbreaking exhibit at Tehran’s Siin Gallery in September 2011. The show was the outcome of Iran’s first art contest to be conducted through an entirely online juried process. Curated by Tehran-based artist Neda Darzi and Nikoo Niknam, “Bimarz” was indeed remarkable for transcending the boundary between the public space of the actual artistic scenes of Tehran and the virtual public sphere, where Iranian artists dwell, via their computers and in the privacy of ... ..


Scotiabank “CONTACT” Photography Festival: FIGURE & GROUND, MAY 1 – 31 / 2011 Iranian Bodies & The SuchThe largest photography event in the world, is devoted to celebrating, and fostering an appreciation of the art and the profession of photography. CONTACT is held annually throughout May across the Greater Toronto Area. Includes over 1000 local, national and international artists at over 200 venues.Without the internet, these prize-winning images by Iranian photographers would never have been seen in Iran, let alone anywhere else in the world. These startling images visually represent ... ..